mandag 30. juli 2012


LOVE both worlds, MISS only one...

Sorry, I´ve let my blog down lately! The main reason is that my Mac is full loaded with pics and I really struggle to go and delete them, even though I´ve done back ups - I´m just scared that they will disappear somehow ;)
Second; INSTAGRAM (press here and read more) is soo much more convenient these days! A picture says more than a thousand words you know... ;)
If you download it to your mobile and want to follow me, search for monamaco. 

Using Instagram and Camera + helps making even the most boring picture interesting! ;D I love playing with different lighting/filters.
Below you´ll see some of my Photos on Instagram.. Download the app and see more! My life within a square...
There are loads of great photographers out there! G e t I n s p i r e d. . . But don´t forget to L I V E your life.
Life is good through the lens, bet even better when you put down your phone or camera for that matter... E N J O Y the moment !

Miss our home in Norway..but this is OK !

Me & the monkeys in the jungle! Weee !

Morning bliss @ Macrithie Reservoir

Life change!! Live-in helper Lourdes is incredible! And
she loves her little private corner :)

Mina and her friendship-necklace X

Miss my Leo-dog, E n d l e s s l y


"Vintage girl". . . LOVE XXX

Blondie xxx

Morning Bliss 2

P e a c e in your soul

Mina and Min-ju... Babydolls :)

mr & mrs Brisbane

L O V E it!! : French Penny flowers (by the pool)

Mina´s last day at Pat´s Schoolhouse.. she´s made a good bye
card but some of the friends she´ll keep :)

Proud little girl! 

Love & Bless

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